borgata Marsaglia

The pathway of the Marian appearances, which from Chiaves reaches the Sanctuary of Marsaglia, winds mostly through woods with a slight slope and many level stretches. This path is unique in all the world for its characteristics and it is found in the Tesso Valley in the territory of the town of Monastero di Lanzo.

Along the way there are 10 votive pillars containing statuettes depicting the Madonna as she has appeared in various parts of the world.The statues come from various places where the church has officially recognized the apparitions.Next to each pillar is a notice board that shows when and where the event occurred and, at the end of the path, a large notice board brings together the latest appearances.Finally we arrive near the Sanctuary of Marsaglia and we are amazed to see such a grandiose building in a tiny village, nestled in the middle of woods. Looking at the place we can think of how this has been a crossroads of many paths which led to different pastures and which are supposed to have been densely populated in the past. In fact, during the construction of the dirt road that leads to the Sanctuary an ancient pierced stone came to light, now placed in the square in front of the church. Stone artifacts and rock engravings have also been found.

The current construction dates back to the years 1771 – 1778 and was erected as a vow for the miraculous healing of a shepherdess by the Madonna, but it is thought that the church is much older. Probably, as in many other cases, first a votive pillar was built, then a chapel and finally the present Sanctuary.

This can also be confirmed by observing the “exvoto” pictures inside the church. The oldest dates back to the seventeeth century and the walls are covered with them (there are about 400) made with different techniques: paintings on canvas, on wooden boards, on metal, tempera on paper, print and votive hearts in silver.

Many of the oldest paintings have been removed to a safer place but those that remain still manage to give us a significant picture of the historical and social events of the valley. In the past the Sanctuary was dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Pietà, while now it is dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary which is celebrated on August 15th and September 8 th, always with great participation of the faithful.


Suggested period
aprile - ottobre
Starting point
Fontana Sistina 1140 m
Elevation gain
Travel time
1 h, 40 m
Trail indication
403 + 406

Recommended for

  • Hikers
  • Families
  • Nordic walking
  • Everybody


Arrivando a Chiaves proseguire per la borgata Sistina.


Si consiglia di lasciare l’auto nel piazzale della Fontana Sistina mt 1130 per poi imboccare la carrareccia che porta a Menulla fino al Pilone votivo di Curdumpero mt 1191.
Qui inizia il percorso della fede tramite una strada sterrata che entra in un bel bosco di faggi e permette di raggiungere il primo Pilone, successivamente sempre su sentiero pianeggiante si toccano altri piloni votivi sino alle case di Proima mt 1291, qui inizia il sentiero che prosegue a mezzacosta tra betulle e pascoli, dopo 10 minuti si giunge un punto panoramico nei pressi del Pilone di Punta Penna mt 1320 per superare gli alpeggi ormai abbandonati di Roc Biulai e Coucuc; lì si attraversa il ruscello Rian di Spine e si passa nei pressi di un caratteristico alpeggio incassato tra le rocce Ca Dou Magu.
L’itinerario continua pressoché in piano fino alle Baite del “Casas”, oltrepassate queste si giunge in vista del Santuario di Marsaglia mt 1297.


Mappa 1:25.000 n. 9   –  Fraternali Editore –